Thursday, September 25, 2008

All I can say today is that I do not look forward to tomorrow in the financial world.

I'm thinking that I'm willing to take another moderate hit to my retirement if it means that change in our government and you know what I mean.

I had lunch with my parents today. My mom has never really discussed politics and really, if you want to know the truth, its not her thing. Today she went off on Palin, not so much Sarah as Todd.

Todd Palin, had I known you were in the hood yesterday, let alone, my old stomping grounds, I would have paid the 1000 buckeroos just to shove him in the ass, well, maybe I would have sent my mom instead, she has better jewelry and manners.

Seriously. This whole thing is becoming a train wreck.

I'm soon to stop all this pontificating, but honestly, I'm just gobsmacked by these last few weeks of the campaign. Seeing the pundits compare Palin to Kay Bailey Hutchinson and Olympia Snow is ludicrous. She just doesn't hold a candle to many other fine women politicians out there and I'm not sure she'll ever get there.

nm fuming and spewing (laying off the caf tomorrow)

1 comment:

Mony said...

I was wondering when someone would zero in on Todd. Thank you.

If Sarah could stop splitting her infinitives, observe parallel structure and stop talking in dependent clauses I would feel better about her meeting foreign leaders this week.