Happy Monday.
My Mac picked up some weird malware that hijacked my Chrome
browser and it took me nearly two hours to figure out how to tackle it. I’m not
sure I did the right thing, but I reset my Chrome settings, installed some
malware software remover that was
recommended. I ended up ditching Chrome and removed the application. I may go
back to it, but not until I’m certain everything is copacetic.
While I was trying to extract myself from this irritation, I
realized that I could work unplugged and get more done with less
(distractions). Why do we have this deep seated need to read status updates for
things that only serve to muddle up our thought processes? Why bother checking mail on your laptop when you
can do it on your phone and be done sooner. Why bother checking your mail at all?
Many companies are abandoning email all together and using
tools like Slack or Hipchat to communicate internally and share assets via
these services. I’m still not convinced that this is a way to conduct all
communication or work, but how lovely it would be if you could unsubscribe from
threads of conversations that you don’t really need to be part of or tell the world you are away with a
emoticon of a sleeping koala bear?
We tend to say the same things when we’re communicating by
email as when we talk to our colleagues. While some things bear repeating, if
this information was delivered quickly via a internal messaging system, questions
could be answered quickly and succinctly and we could use that five minute water
cooler conversation talking about solutions instead of setting up the scenario
or problem we’re trying to solve.
Why is it that we’re so fast to answer a text and so dread
answering email?
I’m going to try this unplugging while working for the rest
of the week – maybe I’ll see a rise in my productivity or at least a decrease
in my dislike for the sharing aspect of the web.
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