Saturday, October 04, 2008

Is it o.k to want to hurl because you are scared out of your pants?

I'm so afraid that I will not finish this marathon tomorrow in time.

I'm afraid I can't make the distance.

I'm afraid that I'm going to lose at least one toenail on the course.

I'm afraid of failing.

At least the weather prognostication is for a few sprinkles and then overcast,so I'm not going to either overheat or get uncomfortably wet.


26 miles are easy, the last .2 will kill me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GO GIRL - I know your stamina, wisdom, and total driven dedication to accomplish your goals - focus on elements in your and T's garden when the wall looms and hits - "how many eggs were left behind this year?"

Hugs - Madeleine