someone has to marry the cable guy
someone always ends up in the middle seat on the plane
the pedicure you skip intersects with your need to wear sandals
rhubarb invariably peaks before the local strawberries, ditto for figs and raspberries
Off to immerse myself in the life of Judith Jones, she's back in New York with Julia and Paul Child.
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It seems like more and more people my age are playing games and removing themselves from reality. Let's face it reality these days can suck.
I am all for escaping, but honestly, it just doesn't seem that you should bowl until your taxes are done and the dishwasher is emptied. I know that a lot of people think I am a crumudgeon and cannot relax but when I add up the amount of stuff I do in the day there never appears to be time to relax.
Flying to Hong Kong for dim sum does NOT count.
How do you do it? How do you turn off your guilt gene and take "wii and me" time?
Off for a walk with you know who...
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