Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Ratouille au four, over and over again, August 2007.

Sometimes I think it is better to just not read the newspaper. Then I won't get as riled up and maybe everyone will be happier.

I have nothing of interest to report, those who have been talking/emailing me know that I am not having the best of weeks.

I don't think next week will be any great improvement, but we can look on the bright side.

There are lots of blueberries and blackberries in the freezer and in a few weeks I will be sitting drinking g&ts with lime/no lemon in with a wolfhound using my shoulder as a chin rest.

Before that, there are two half marathons, a work trip to DC along with a million other things to cross of my life list.



Kerrio said...

9 out of 10 Wolfhounds who expressed a preference said they prefer wine, but if G&T is all you get offered, they are not above helping you out.

Unknown said...

I should come to DC to see you but then my shit life won't let me. I am sorry I have been scarce...and it just got worse. I could cry.