Sunday, September 09, 2007

The weekend wrap up

60-75 bags of yard waste
A large cars worth of plant material to be shredded with more planned this week
Lunch at Cafe Fanny
Dinner at Chez Panisse
A laundry list of chores completed in the 94707
Catch up with a dear friend, oh how we have missed you
Eating raisin snails in the sun
Flights that took off and landed on time
Realizing that TH is a blessing, even if we have our moments
Deciding that its okay to recycle a dress for a wedding, especially nine time zones away
Picking and eating blood peaches and fresh lemons off the tree is not a bad way to spend the day
Being glad to be sleeping in your own bed for the next four nights


Kerrio said...

Yup - it's ok to recycyle a dress. It really is.

Sounds like a very fraught weekend.

Anonymous said...

Okay, first off...snail raisins? Or was that raisin snails? Either

Sounds like you two had a good weekend...which makes me happy to hear - VERY happy. I have missed you.