Wednesday, August 23, 2006

reason 577 for not shopping at whole foods

Reason number 577: Cashier and bagger spend the time they should be interacting with custormer carrying on a dreary conversation about existentialism and basically blowing the customer off.

Reason number 578: No locally grown foods, bad move, doodes.

Reason number 579: Screaming children running amok. Contain thy child in a shopping pod.

Other than that, I think I love my new stereo with the Ipod adapter. Apparently the ipod cable is a scarce commodity in the US of A, so I could have sold mine for the price of my car stereo.

Yes, I went to Milwaukee where I should have drunk more and not eaten at Martini Mikes. You can catch up with JK and find out what went down last weekend.

Oh, and a big congrats to AM, whose book is hot on the list and creeping up slowly. It was published this week and our parentals got a nice dedication.

Good work, bro.



Anonymous said...

wow, this blog sucks...

Nazila Merati said...

clearly you shop coroporate or love martini mikes and overdressed salads.

or love children running amok in grocery stores...