Thursday, August 03, 2006

Thursdays make me happy these days. I guess mostly its because I leave in the mornings and when I come home, my house is clean. I will admit to the outsourcing of my life. I am not proud, I am just pratical. There is no way in heck I have time to clean, mow, iron and wash my windows and do them all well.

Can I also say that I watch not one smidgen of TV or DVDs or anything entertaining and spend absolutely the minimum amount of time that I can get away with online?


Where the hell does all the time go? I get up at 6:30, am at work by 9, work until 6 and don't go to bed until 10:30. I do not stop.

How can people spend the time that I don't have watching tv and feel like they can get their house cleaned, their lawns mowed and their shirts ironed? I know you can clean while watching tv and iron shirts, but lawn mowing, that I have to see.

I'm not saying what I do is right, but right now, it is thing that is keeping me or us, sane. It means that NM does not buy shoes for the next three months (really, Ms. C) and that we cut back on eating out, but I am not sitting in my living room looking at piles of tiny dog fur building up on my floors and having it drive me crazy.

Okay, back to watering my droopy plants and molesting my dog.



Mony said...

It's that pesky day job. Give it up!

jk said...

it's all about choices, isn't it?

My niece freaks out and can't function if she isn't able to dance, or exercise hours a week. We saw it when she was injured a few years ago. Going with out that physical activity made her sick. If all she did was work and clean her house, she'd probably be "sent away for a long rest." (and when I mean hours, I mean hours, serious hours)

I hate cleaning, and only do it when needed. PIles of stuff doesn't bother me. When it does, I do something about it. But not being able to take time out for myself does bother me - - i need to exit for a bit in order to keep happy and healthy.

selfish? I don't think so. I'm always ready, and available, to pitch in and help you (all y'all) out if needed.

Nazila Merati said...

I can't give up the day job. Yet.

I think for me, the gym, short trips and gardening are my salvations, but these things take up time. Maybe if I never went anywhere and was actually home except for two weeks a year, it would be more managable, but alas, both work and play require travel and long hours at the office.

I choose to keep my house clean for my own sanity. I could just ignore some stuff, but honestly, sometimes I feel like a aussi sheperd trying to move my piles into more organized piles, then I just decide to get rid of them.

JK, you could always come out and visit E.dd, he'd like that and frankly, our girl trips that you and I take, help tremendously.

