Thursday, November 02, 2006

nablopomo away

Its National Blog Post a Day for Month according to Z, who heard it from fussy. I'm up for the challenge I think even if it means posting from a skanky internet cafe next weekend. NM is not taking a laptop to London unless necessary. Too much overhead these days....

Anyhoo, not much to say, TH is sick, Ernest has pano, I feel like crud, so we spent most of the evening feeling sorry for ourselves. Me, snoring on the couch, TH and E. dd on the futon in my office. I think E. dd now thinks that all beds should be this big.

Now, we're all awake and its close to midnight.

If you blog, join us, link to Fussy and wow us with your witty thoughts and prose.



Unknown said...

Oh I am so glad you joined in!!!! Now what is this pano????

Nazila Merati said...

Poor grumpy stoic tiny dog.

jk said...

i read that and first thought "piano? He's got piano lessons? very clever boy!"

Mony said...

So, I missed a day. I guess I am out, but I will keep reading yours, faithfully.
go, go!

Unknown said...

Oh ouch!!!! I thought at first it was PANNUS which is what Tuckie has and I was so hoping it wasn't that. Glad it isn't...but still.