Friday, July 13, 2007


How are you doing?

I'm up really late. Why? Because I'm not going to work tomorrow and I'm not flying anywhere! I'm going to Vancouver for the VFMF and even though I'm not crazy about the line up, its a good weekend to find a tree and read a book.

So what if the US dollar is crap compared to the Canadian dollar?

I'm hoping to hit the Granville Market round noonish, take some pics, grab some lunch, check into hotel and then not participate in the Birkenstock 500, but still capture my place on the hill to listen to the opening night show.

Its cooler here. I'm picking raspberries like mad, the garden is definitely drooping, but hopefully we'll get all watered before we leave town.

Yes, dear ones, the Ernestmeister will be in lock down.

Have a great weekend!



Mony said...

I hope the weekend is great. Sounds like you are stoked. The Ernmeister will hold it down, only baying when absolutely necessary.

Kerrio said...

I think I might be jealous....

we are laying concrete.