Wednesday, November 22, 2006

four o'clock in the morning

This morning (4 am) TH and I discussed the new security regulations coming down the pike and how hard it would be to conduct research and development when most of your waking hours are spent keeping up with unfunded IT security mandates.

Basically, you can't do any work, so why bother even trying.

Then we discussed other uplifting things and at around 6 am I went back to sleep to only wake up even more groggy and cranky.

I think from now on, I'll just get up and get on with my day.


Tuesday, November 21, 2006

the heavens opened

Seriously, like three times today. I even went out to check on Ernest to see how he was doing when we had lightning and thunder.

He was asleep.

I love Seattle, I even love this weather, but today, I could use a little sun.

I passed 2,000,000 miles on American Airlines today. I guess my miles from my Tmobile account posted. I guess I'm relieved and as much as I know JK and others won't believe me when I say --I'm taking a break from this game.

I'm pooped.

I may even fly on miles this winter and give TH all my upgrades.

Lucky girl.


Monday, November 20, 2006

nothing to report

of note. I feel crappy and this is a Week with a capital W. My hips are killing me and I'm behind today on my training. Yoikes.

Didn't go in for the blood draw today. Am working on liquids, thanks Z! and hopefully tomorrow am they can suck it out of me.

Other than that, E.dd's grandmere and grandpere are on their way up to Rainy Seattle to see their tiny puppy and admire all 44 lbs of him.

He's a bruiser.

Tonight, we're going out to dinner. None of us can stand to cook and whatever we eat, it is not going to be fowl.

later taters,


Sunday, November 19, 2006

close but no cigar

Two weeks to the second of when we bought TH a new phone, we found the one.

Can't return it now, so we're just going to unlock it and have another UK phone.


Saturday, November 18, 2006

thanksgiving saturday again

Regeneration, Mesa Verde, September 2006.

Today is the Saturday before Thanksgiving Thanksgiving. One that has nothing to do with your nuclear family, the bad juju that some people associate with Thanksgiving and family holidays and travel and all that baggage that comes with "holiday rituals". It is a tradition borne of young 20 and 30 somethings who had family obligations on the traditional Thanksgiving, but felt that Thanksgiving is something that should also include friends. This is the 17th year. It continues to amaze me.

Ours is simple, mix friends, some wine, a goose, a turkey, foods that are important to you to have at the table and to sit for four hours and be thankful.

I haven't been in the best of moods the past few weeks and this is a good time to sit and reflect and realize that I am one of the luckiest people in the world.

L is the kitchen with TH making her famous corn pudding, E and L are at the condo watching the turkey and the Apple Cup. Scruffy and Aunt P are off for an adventure, but will be back for dinner and everyone else is due in at 6:30.

We miss those who are in Italy this year, we already talked to L in Maine, we miss B&P in Santa Barbara and we will raise our glasses to toast you.

We know that you will grace our table again, very soon.



Friday, November 17, 2006

denial part 3

Posh bangers, Borough Market, November 2006.

I failed my blood test today. The phlebotomist couldn't find a vein. She even tried for my hand. I blacked out and said I'd come back on Monday.


We went shopping for Saturday before Thanksgiving Thanksgiving and discussed what to do about our suicidal homeless friend and whether or not he would be committing himself tonight.

This is not what Thanksgiving is about, unless, of course, you are thankful for your sanity and that you have a roof over your head.

It just puts a damper on the whole thing, doesn't it?


Thursday, November 16, 2006

denial part 2

Oxo Tower, London- Remembrance Day 2006.

I am going in tomorrow for a fasting cholesterol test. My doctor tested my non-fasting and it was high. I am 41 years old and starting to fall apart. Something tells me next year will be about oatbran, saving more for retirement and pilates.

Maybe I shouldn't have had brussel sprouts with bacon and hazelnuts for dinner.



Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Three days before Saturday before Thanksgiving and a week before traditional Thanksgiving and I haven't done anything.


Must order flowers tomorrow.


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

nothing to declare

I have stopped buying things in London unless I really think it is necessary. Everything is so expensive and nowadays, so available anywhere. Most of the time, my bag has the Sunday Times, some cheese, Hello! and OK! and maybe a few things from Muji. I don't even declare 75 bucks and luckily, they never really ask.

The only sure thing is that each trip requires a visit to a chemist to buy feminine protection. I have no idea why, but I am doomed to visit anywhere with the joy of bleeding to death.

It is a given that I will have approximately 2 tampons in my bag at the beginning of my trip and64 minus what I used by the end.

So, next time they hassle me at customs, I'll proudly display my lil-lets and see if they ever bug me again.



Monday, November 13, 2006


My flight is delayed out of ORD. I will arrive at home at 2:30.

I am not amused.


Sunday, November 12, 2006

london kills me redux

Yeah, you know who you are. London, November 2006.

To tell you the truth, I hate large events. I avoid large crowds of flyertalkers, I hate to talk points and miles for very long. We’re all fascinating people who lived fascinating lives away from our airports/hotels and our obsession of miles (1,963,000 to date on AA and counting). I hate the drama that can happen at any event. I’m too old and detached to give a crap about what someone said about someone else. In the last few months, I have realized that life is too short to deal with psychic trauma- mine and yours.

Imagine that all yesterday, there was none.

Okay, I had a little bit when I needed to get John to pick a hotel so that I could go in search of cheese. He bucked up and we moved on.

Thanks John. J

All day yesterday, there was none around me that I could detect. I loved it.

I also enjoyed meeting people I had only heard of and in some cases, admired from afar. You know what, they are all normal people.

It was fun.

Dinner was great. I actually won something (2 nights anywhere in the Hilton chain, I’m thinking Japan) and had some really good conversations and really good food at CafĂ© Lazeez. JK, we’re going here and a panto.



Friday, November 10, 2006

I'm tired and the idea of sitting on the plane for seven hours has no appeal.

Flight is chock a block full.

I think it's going to be a full on ambien, ear plugs and decaf dunkin donuts expereince. Pardon me if I ignore you for the next seven plus hours.

The doode on the FL desk is dork.

Nuff said.



idiots to the right please

Merle, the triceratops, at the BR, SEA-ORD-LHR. November 2006.

Can we talk?

If you don't know what to do at the airport, I recommend you spend 10 minutes at the site and learn.



Thursday, November 09, 2006

chocolat chaud

Chocolat chaud, Marche Raspail Biologique, December 2005.

I love hot chocolate, not too sweet, but very hot and chocolatey. We recently sampled some of EATS hot chocolate at the West Seattle Farmer's Market. TH got some and I was supposed to hold it while she shopped and I chaperoned Ernest the puppy. Well, that hot chocolate didn't last too long around me.

It was yummy.

Today I went to Fran's to pick up some salted caramels and truffles to take to our hosts of the London Mega Do. I declined the caramel with macadamia nuts and she offered me a sample of their hot chocolate.

Yum is all I'm going to say.

TH and I will go to Fran's after perambulating E. the puppy in the Village. He usually is seen jumping into the fountains and woofing at things that squirt him. I get a latte and she gets a mocha. Things may have to change after this new discovery.

Okay, off we go to bed. To the airport in the am, no, my upgrade did not clear. I plan on a nice yogurt parfait from the dilletante, a latte and maybe I'll slice up some of that yummy mouse house cheddar that F&J brought in September.

Travel safe y'all.


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

oh what a day....

Fabulous news on the political front. I felt great last night and this morning I felt even better and gosh darnit, after I came home from my board meeting, I felt like taking ernest for a walk, even if I would be drenched.

Welcome to the new world. I love this country and maybe today, I feel like my vote counted this time around.

Now, if we could get that continuing resolution dealt with and give us a budget...

Other than that, I'm leaving for London on Friday. It'll be fun, I'll see Jen and catch up with some others. I have a Sunday planned that includes Columbia Road followed by five hours of gardening at my aunts (Pray for good weather)....

Oh, I read with fascination about Britney and Kevin. It repulses me, why do I care?

later taters.


Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Vote today as if your life depended on it.

Because it does.


Monday, November 06, 2006

all good things come

Persimmon, chez NM, November 2006.

ainy Day here. We watched the radar all day. Looks like the worst is over.

Not much else to say, we have two persimmons this year. It took 15 years, so I am happy.


Sunday, November 05, 2006


I have 3000 plus pictures in flickr. They all need captions and new tags.
I say 50 a day. What do you think? 75 if I'm procrastinating.

Today we went out and bought TH a new phone. The same freaking one we had. We also upped our plan as we somehow (damned conference call) managed to go over our minutes to the tune of 60 bucks.

For some reason, I didn't have a text message plan. WTF?

Okay, so now we're 100 bucks poorer.

Its been a day.

The dog also has gas. How fun is that.
