Tuesday, June 12, 2007

up close and personal

Alstair stellar grey, originally uploaded by flora and flying.

I'm beat, there is no way to put it.

I was planning on working from home today, but that didn't happen and if I'm lucky and efficient, I can do it tomorrow.

I need some thinking time and it isn't happening at work.

TH is in California until tomorrow or Thursday or Friday. Who knows.

Next week is a bust with San Diego and Anchorage, I have four projects at 75% and I need to get them done and out the door.

I also need another two hours of daylight to garden, get the dog walked and me out in the vitamin D.

Hopefully, this weekend will do it for me.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is one beautiful picture and now the question is...did you get your Vitamin D????