The harvest and preserving season is upon us and this year I promised myself not to get carried away.
Easier to say than done.
I see salsa making in my weekend plans and peach drying and some plum chutney.
Don't get me started on the tomatoes.
The harvest and preserving season is upon us and this year I promised myself not to get carried away.
The Garden at Great Dixter is a good place to take a nap, but it is not Paris. Highly recommended. |
Waiting room - Terminal 2F, Aeroport Charles de Gaulle, November 11, 2014.
A photo posted by Nazila (@nazilam) on
A photo posted by Nazila (@nazilam) on
Ever had a weekend that seemed like it was going to be full of excitement and just ended up meh.A photo posted by Nazila (@nazilam) on
I am whomped, so I can't really say anything coherent. I was already to post about memory triggers and then poof - I lost it. Ha ha. I drafted it, but it is just going to have to wait. The weekend does not wait - gardening, dog walking, parent wrangling, knitting, some thinking and as always the to do list. Have a great one. love, nm and e.A photo posted by Nazila (@nazilam) on
A photo posted by Nazila (@nazilam) on
If you are ever in Ketchum, Idaho and have a hankering for a decent glass of wine and flatbread (what is it with flatbread?), do stop by Enoteca. You won't be sorry.
A photo posted by Nazila (@nazilam) on
Welcome to the new reality, weather forecast for Seattle, late June 2015. I'm not going to sugar coat it - it is August 1st and I'm over Summer. I love the long days, waking up to the early morning light and being able to walk the dogs late into the evening. I enjoy seeing neighbors out watering, walking, weeding and visiting with each other. What I am definitely over, along with millions of others in the Pacific Northwest is the relentless temperatures over 85 F.