Saturday, December 03, 2005

cookie cutters

Camel, lobster and friends, December 2005.

Just thought I would share.

I have nearly 100, which I know is probably not really that much, but if you can splurge and buy some from Hammersong, you'll be happy for life. I wonder if I can get TH to roll out a few anatomically correct gingerbread women?

I get these fabulous cutters at La Cuisine in Alexandria, VA. If you can't run to Paris every few years to visit Dehillerin and buy your copper (or just can't deal with shipping it or waiting to pay for it while there), come here. They have some of the coolest things for both the amateur and professional cook. I haven't been there since last October, so I guess I'll need to make a trip soon!

Road trip anyone?



jk said...

have fun! send photos!

jk said...

and how come I've never been to this place???? I didn't even know it existed.

Nazila Merati said...

Its in downtown alexandria, on cameron. Go there, go to Misha's get some coffee in bulk and then hit gossypia on the corner of cameron and whatever for the coolest mexican tin.

I would skip the new wow cheese place in the delray neighborhood, its not that great compared to say, la fromagerie in marylbone...

jk said...

misha's. My friend rafael lives in austin, but finds himself on tour in dc a few tiems a year. And each time, he loads up on misha's coffee. He has it wrapped extra well, so no one on the bus can smell it...otherwise it wouldn't make it home.