Friday, January 20, 2006

friday is always on my mind

Sunset over Puget Sound, December 2005.

This day would not end. Calls from realtors dealing with the f*$k up that is happening, data that still doesn't work, constant emails and trying to figure out how to move a whole main floor's worth of furniture into a large, but not really that large kitchen.

Oh well, at least I have tomorrow to look forward to - flying to Chicago and dinner at the Berghoff for one last time. It is snowing right now and the flights to ORD have been cancelled until tomorrow am. I hope we get out and if not, we can make it before they close.
I need to find my long johns as well.


1 comment:

Nazila Merati said...

Mazel tov on moving to the most fabulous spot on the earth unless you do not enjoy rain.

Read blogs, always assume that the person in the left hand lane at a traffic light will signal after the light has finally turned green, avoid starbucks at all cost and realize that Seattle is a place of neighborhoods and that each one is different.

Welcome to Seattle!
